Tutorial on the foundations

Certain concepts and types will appear repeatedly, so it's worth spending a little time to familiarize yourself at the outset. You can find a more expansive version of this page in this blog post.

MethodInstances, type-inference, and backedges

Our first goal is to understand how code connects together. We'll try some experiments using the following:

double(x::Real) = 2x
calldouble(container) = double(container[1])
calldouble2(container) = calldouble(container)

Let's create a container and run this code:

julia> c64 = [1.0]
1-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> calldouble2(c64)

Using the MethodAnalysis package, we can get some insights into how Julia represents this code and its compilation dependencies:

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> mi = methodinstance(double, (Float64,))
MethodInstance for double(::Float64)

julia> using AbstractTrees

julia> print_tree(mi)
MethodInstance for double(::Float64)
└─ MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{Float64})
   └─ MethodInstance for calldouble2(::Vector{Float64})

This indicates that the result for type-inference on calldouble2(::Vector{Float64}) depended on the result for calldouble(::Vector{Float64}), which in turn depended on double(::Float64).

Now let's create a new container, one with abstract element type, so that Julia's type-inference cannot accurately predict the type of elements in the container:

julia> cabs = AbstractFloat[1.0f0]      # put a Float32 in a Vector{AbstractFloat}
1-element Vector{AbstractFloat}:

julia> calldouble2(cabs)

Now let's look at the available instances:

julia> mis = methodinstances(double)
3-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for double(::Float64)
 MethodInstance for double(::AbstractFloat)
 MethodInstance for double(::Float32)

julia> print_tree(mis[1])
MethodInstance for double(::Float64)
└─ MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{Float64})
   └─ MethodInstance for calldouble2(::Vector{Float64})

julia> print_tree(mis[2])
MethodInstance for double(::AbstractFloat)

julia> print_tree(mis[3])
MethodInstance for double(::Float32)

double(::Float64) has backedges to calldouble and calldouble2, but the second two do not because double was only called via runtime dispatch. However, calldouble has backedges to calldouble2

julia> mis = methodinstances(calldouble)
2-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{Float64})
 MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{AbstractFloat})

julia> print_tree(mis[1])
MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{Float64})
└─ MethodInstance for calldouble2(::Vector{Float64})

julia> print_tree(mis[2])
MethodInstance for calldouble(::Vector{AbstractFloat})
└─ MethodInstance for calldouble2(::Vector{AbstractFloat})

because Vector{AbstractFloat} is a concrete type, whereas AbstractFloat is not.

If we create c32 = [1.0f0] and then calldouble2(c32), we would also see backedges from double(::Float32) all the way back to calldouble2(::Vector{Float32}).


During package precompilation, Julia creates a *.ji file typically stored in .julia/compiled/v1.x/, where 1.x is your version of Julia. Your *.ji file might just have definitions of constants, types, and methods, but optionally you can also include the results of type-inference. This happens automatically if you run code while your package is being built, but generally the recommended procedure is to add precompile directives.

Let's turn the example above into a package. In a fresh session,

(@v1.6) pkg> generate SnoopCompileDemo
  Generating  project SnoopCompileDemo:

julia> open("SnoopCompileDemo/src/SnoopCompileDemo.jl", "w") do io
           write(io, """
           module SnoopCompileDemo

           double(x::Real) = 2x
           calldouble(container) = double(container[1])
           calldouble2(container) = calldouble(container)

           precompile(calldouble2, (Vector{Float32},))
           precompile(calldouble2, (Vector{Float64},))
           precompile(calldouble2, (Vector{AbstractFloat},))


julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, "SnoopCompileDemo/")
4-element Vector{String}:

julia> using SnoopCompileDemo
[ Info: Precompiling SnoopCompileDemo [44c70eed-03a3-46c0-8383-afc033fb6a27]

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> methodinstances(SnoopCompileDemo.double)
3-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for double(::Float32)
 MethodInstance for double(::Float64)
 MethodInstance for double(::AbstractFloat)

Because of those precompile statements, the MethodInstances exist after loading the package even though we haven't run the code in this session–not because it precompiled them when the package loaded, but because they were precompiled during the Precompiling SnoopCompileDemo... phase, stored to *.ji file, and then reloaded whenever we use the package. You can also verify that the same backedges get created as when we ran this code interactively above.

By having these MethodInstances "pre-loaded" we can save some of the time needed to run type-inference: not much time in this case because the code is so simple, but for more complex methods the savings can be substantial.

This code got cached in SnoopCompileDemo.ji. It's worth noting that even though the precompile directive got issued from this package, it might save MethodInstances for methods defined in other packages. For example, Julia does not come pre-built with the inferred code for Int * Float32: in a fresh session,

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> mi = methodinstance(*, (Int, Float32))

returns nothing (the MethodInstance doesn't exist), whereas if we've loaded SnoopCompileDemo then

julia> mi = methodinstance(*, (Int, Float32))
MethodInstance for *(::Int64, ::Float32)

julia> mi.def
*(x::Number, y::Number) in Base at promotion.jl:322

So even though the method is defined in Base, because SnoopCompileDemo needed this code it got stashed in SnoopCompileDemo.ji.

The ability to cache MethodInstances from code defined in other packages or libraries is fundamental to latency reduction; however, it has significant limitations. Most crucially, *.ji files can only hold code they "own," either:

  • to a method defined in the package
  • through a chain of backedges to methods owned by the package

If we add

precompile(*, (Int, Float16))

to the definition of SnoopCompileDemo.jl, nothing happens:

julia> mi = methodinstance(*, (Int, Float16))
                                                 # nothing

because there is no "chain of ownership" to SnoopCompileDemo. Consequently, we can't precompile methods defined in other modules in and of themselves; we can only do it if those methods are linked by backedges to this package.

Because backedges are created during successful type-inference, the consequence is that precompilation works better when type inference succeeds. For some packages, time invested in improving inferrability can make your precompile directives work better.