Tutorial on @snoop_invalidations

What are invalidations?

In this context, invalidation means discarding previously-compiled code. Invalidations occur because of interactions between independent pieces of code. Invalidations are essential to make Julia fast, interactive, and correct: you need invalidations if you want to be able to define some methods, run (compile) some code, and then in the same session define new methods that might lead to different answers if you were to recompile the code in the presence of the new methods.

Invalidations can happen just from loading packages. Packages are precompiled in isolation, but you can load many packages into a single interactive session. It's impossible for the individual packages to anticipate the full "world of methods" in your interactive session, so sometimes Julia has to discard code that was compiled in a smaller world because it's at risk for being incorrect in the larger world.

The downside of invalidations is that they make latency worse, as code must be recompiled when you first run it. The benefits of precompilation are partially lost, and the work done during precompilation is partially wasted.

While some invalidations are unavoidable, in practice a good developer can often design packages to minimize the number and/or impact of invalidations. Invalidation-resistant code is often faster, with smaller binary size, than code that is vulnerable to invalidation.

A good first step is to measure what's being invalidated, and why.

Learning to observe, diagnose, and fix invalidations

We'll illustrate invalidations by creating two packages, where loading the second package invalidates some code that was compiled in the first one. We'll then go over approaches for "fixing" invalidations (i.e., preventing them from occuring).


Since SnoopCompile's tools are interactive, you are strongly encouraged to try these examples yourself as you read along.

Add SnoopCompileCore, SnoopCompile, and helper packages to your environment

Here, we'll add these packages to your default environment. (With the exception of AbstractTrees, these "developer tool" packages should not be added to the Project file of any real packages unless you're extending the tool itself.) From your default environment (i.e., in package mode you should see something like (@v1.10) pkg>), do

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["SnoopCompileCore", "SnoopCompile", "AbstractTrees", "Cthulhu"]);

Create the demonstration packages

We're going to implement a toy version of the card game blackjack, where players take cards with the aim of collecting 21 points. The higher you go the better, unless you go over 21 points, in which case you "go bust" (i.e., you lose). Because our real goal is to illustrate invalidations, we'll create a "blackjack ecosystem" that involves an interaction between two packages.

While PkgTemplates is recommended for creating packages, here we'll just use the basic capabilities in Pkg. To create the (empty) packages, the code below executes the following steps:

  • navigate to a temporary directory and create both packages
  • make the first package (Blackjack) depend on PrecompileTools (we're interested in reducing latency!)
  • make the second package (BlackjackFacecards) depend on the first one (Blackjack)

julia> cd(mktempdir())
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.generate("Blackjack"); Generating project Blackjack: Blackjack/Project.toml Blackjack/src/Blackjack.jl
julia> Pkg.activate("Blackjack") Activating project at `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/Blackjack`
julia> Pkg.add("PrecompileTools"); Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml` Resolving package versions... Updating `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/Blackjack/Project.toml` [aea7be01] + PrecompileTools v1.2.1 Updating `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/Blackjack/Manifest.toml` [aea7be01] + PrecompileTools v1.2.1 [21216c6a] + Preferences v1.4.3 [ade2ca70] + Dates [de0858da] + Printf [fa267f1f] + TOML v1.0.3 [4ec0a83e] + Unicode Precompiling project... Blackjack 1 dependency successfully precompiled in 2 seconds. 2 already precompiled.
julia> Pkg.generate("BlackjackFacecards"); Generating project BlackjackFacecards: BlackjackFacecards/Project.toml BlackjackFacecards/src/BlackjackFacecards.jl
julia> Pkg.activate("BlackjackFacecards") Activating project at `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/BlackjackFacecards`
julia> Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=joinpath(pwd(), "Blackjack"))); Resolving package versions... Updating `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/BlackjackFacecards/Project.toml` [1a4f4f08] + Blackjack v0.1.0 `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/Blackjack` Updating `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/BlackjackFacecards/Manifest.toml` [1a4f4f08] + Blackjack v0.1.0 `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/Blackjack` [aea7be01] + PrecompileTools v1.2.1 [21216c6a] + Preferences v1.4.3 [ade2ca70] + Dates [de0858da] + Printf [fa267f1f] + TOML v1.0.3 [4ec0a83e] + Unicode

Now it's time to create the code for Blackjack. Normally, you'd do this with an editor, but to make it reproducible here we'll use code to create these packages. The package code we'll create below defines the following:

  • a score function to assign a numeric value to a card
  • tallyscore which adds the total score for a hand of cards
  • playgame which uses a simple strategy to decide whether to take another card from the deck and add it to the hand

To reduce latency on first use, we then precompile playgame. In a real application, we'd also want a function to manage the deck of cards, but for brevity we'll omit this and do it manually.

julia> write(joinpath("Blackjack", "src", "Blackjack.jl"), """
           module Blackjack
           using PrecompileTools
           export playgame
           const deck = []   # the deck of cards that can be dealt
           # Compute the score of one card
           score(card::Int) = card
           # Add up the score in a hand of cards
           function tallyscores(cards)
               s = 0
               for card in cards
                   s += score(card)
               return s
           # Play the game! We use a simple strategy to decide whether to draw another card.
           function playgame()
               myhand = []
               while tallyscores(myhand) <= 14 && !isempty(deck)
                   push!(myhand, pop!(deck))   # "Hit me!"
               myscore = tallyscores(myhand)
               return myscore <= 21 ? myscore : "Busted"
           # Precompile `playgame`:
           @setup_workload begin
               push!(deck, 8, 10)    # initialize the deck
               @compile_workload begin

Suppose you use Blackjack and like it, but you notice it doesn't support face cards. Perhaps you're nervous about contributing to the Blackjack package (you shouldn't be!), and so you decide to start your own package that extends its functionality. You create BlackjackFacecards to add scoring of the jack, queen, king, and ace (for simplicity we'll make the ace always worth 11):

julia> write(joinpath("BlackjackFacecards", "src", "BlackjackFacecards.jl"), """
           module BlackjackFacecards
           using Blackjack
           # Add a new `score` method:
           Blackjack.score(card::Char) = card ∈ ('J', 'Q', 'K') ? 10 :
                                         card == 'A' ? 11 : error(card, " not known")

Because BlackjackFacecards "owns" neither Char nor score, this is piracy and should generally be avoided. Piracy is one way to cause invalidations, but it's not the only one. BlackjackFacecards could avoid committing piracy by defining a struct Facecard ... end and defining score(card::Facecard) instead of score(card::Char). However, this would not fix the invalidations–all the factors described below are unchanged.

Now we're ready!

Recording invalidations

Here are the steps executed by the code below

  • load SnoopCompileCore
  • load Blackjack and BlackjackFacecards while recording invalidations with the @snoop_invalidations macro.
  • load SnoopCompile and AbstractTrees for analysis
julia> using SnoopCompileCore
julia> invs = @snoop_invalidations using Blackjack, BlackjackFacecards;
julia> using SnoopCompile, AbstractTrees

If you get errors like Package SnoopCompileCore not found in current path, a likely explanation is that you didn't add it to your default environment. In the example above, we're in the BlackjackFacecards environment so we can develop the package, but you also need access to SnoopCompile and SnoopCompileCore. Having these in your default environment lets them be found even if they aren't part of the current environment.

Analyzing invalidations

Now we're ready to see what, if anything, got invalidated:

julia> trees = invalidation_trees(invs)1-element Vector{SnoopCompile.MethodInvalidations}:
 inserting score(card::Char) @ BlackjackFacecards ~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/BlackjackFacecards/src/BlackjackFacecards.jl:6 invalidated:
   mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(Blackjack.score), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Blackjack.tallyscores(::Vector{Any}) (1 children)

This has only one "tree" of invalidations. trees is a Vector so we can index it:

julia> tree = trees[1]inserting score(card::Char) @ BlackjackFacecards ~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs/build/tutorials/BlackjackFacecards/src/BlackjackFacecards.jl:6 invalidated:
   mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(Blackjack.score), Any} triggered MethodInstance for Blackjack.tallyscores(::Vector{Any}) (1 children)

Each tree stems from a single cause described in the top line. For this tree, the cause was adding the new method score(::Char) in BlackjackFacecards.

Each cause is associated with one or more victims of invalidation, a list here named mt_backedges. Let's extract the final (and in this case, only) victim:

julia> sig, victim = tree.mt_backedges[end];

mt_backedges stands for "MethodTable backedges." In other cases you may see a second type of invalidation, just called backedges. With these, there is no sig, and so you'll use just victim = tree.backedges[i].

First let's look at the the problematic method signature:

julia> sigTuple{typeof(Blackjack.score), Any}

This is a type-tuple, i.e., Tuple{typeof(f), typesof(args)...}. We see that score was called on an object of (inferred) type Any. Calling a function with unknown argument types makes code vulnerable to invalidation, and insertion of the new score method "exploited" this vulnerability.

victim shows which compiled code got invalidated:

julia> victimMethodInstance for Blackjack.tallyscores(::Vector{Any}) at depth 0 with 1 children

But this is not the full extent of what got invalidated:

julia> print_tree(victim)MethodInstance for Blackjack.tallyscores(::Vector{Any}) at depth 0 with 1 children
└─ MethodInstance for Blackjack.playgame() at depth 1 with 0 children

Invalidations propagate throughout entire call trees, here up to playgame(): anything that calls code that may no longer be correct is itself at risk for being incorrect. In general, victims with lots of "children" deserve the greatest attention.

While print_tree can be useful, Cthulhu's ascend is a far more powerful tool for gaining deeper insight:

julia> using Cthulhu

julia> ascend(victim)
Choose a call for analysis (q to quit):
 >   tallyscores(::Vector{Any})

This is an interactive REPL-menu, described more completely (via text and video) at ascend.

There are quite a few other tools for working with invs and trees, see the Reference. If your list of invalidations is dauntingly large, you may be interested in precompile_blockers.

Why the invalidations occur

tallyscores and playgame were compiled in Blackjack, a "world" where the score method defined in BlackjackFacecards does not yet exist. When you load the BlackjackFacecards package, Julia must ask itself: now that this new score method exists, am I certain that I would compile tallyscores the same way? If the answer is "no," Julia invalidates the old compiled code, and compiles a fresh version with full awareness of the new score method in BlackjackFacecards.

Why would the compilation of tallyscores change? Evidently, cards is a Vector{Any}, and this means that tallyscores can't guess what kind of object card might be, and thus it can't guess what kind of objects are passed into score. The crux of the invalidation is thus:

  • when Blackjack is compiled, inference does not know which score method will be called. However, at the time of compilation the only score method is for Int. Thus Julia will reason that anything that isn't an Int is going to trigger an error anyway, and so you might as well optimize tallyscore expecting all cards to be Ints.
  • however, when BlackjackFacecards is loaded, suddenly there are two score methods supporting both Int and Char. Now Julia's guess that all cards will probably be Ints doesn't seem so likely to be true, and thus tallyscores should be recompiled.

Thus, invalidations arise from optimization based on what methods and types are "in the world" at the time of compilation (sometimes called world-splitting). This form of optimization can have performance benefits, but it also leaves your code vulnerable to invalidation.

Fixing invalidations

In broad strokes, there are three ways to prevent invalidation.

Method 1: defer compilation until the full world is known

The first and simplest technique is to ensure that the full range of possibilties (the entire "world of code") is present before any compilation occurs. In this case, probably the best approach would be to merge the BlackjackFacecards package into Blackjack itself. Or, if you are a maintainer of the "Blackjack ecosystem" and have reasons for thinking that keeping the packages separate makes sense, you could alternatively move the PrecompileTools workload to BlackjackFacecards. Either approach should prevent the invalidations from occuring.

Method 2: improve inferability

The second way to prevent invalidations is to improve the inferability of the victim(s). If Int and Char really are the only possible kinds of cards, then in playgame it would be better to declare

myhand = Union{Int,Char}[]

and similarly for deck itself. That untyped [] is what makes myhand (and thus cards, when passed to tallyscore) a Vector{Any}, and the possibilities for card are endless. By constraining the possible types, we allow inference to know more clearly what methods might be called. More tips on fixing invalidations through improving inference can be found in Techniques for fixing inference problems.

In this particular case, just annotating Union{Int,Char}[] isn't sufficient on its own, because the score method for Char doesn't yet exist, so Julia doesn't know what to call. However, in most real-world cases this change alone would be sufficient: usually all the needed methods exist, it's just a question of reassuring Julia that no other options are even possible.


This fix leverages union-splitting, which is conceptually related to "world-splitting." However, union-splitting is far more effective at fixing inference problems, as it guarantees that no other possibilities will ever exist, no matter how many other methods get defined.


Many vulnerabilities can be fixed by improving inference. In complex code, it's easy to unwittingly write things in ways that defeat Julia's type inference. Tools that help you discover inference problems, like SnoopCompile and JET, help you discover these unwitting "mistakes."

While in real life it's usually a bad idea to "blame the victim," it's typically the right attitude for fixing invalidations. Keep in mind, though, that the source of the problem may not be the immediate victim: in this case, it was a poor container choice in playgame that put tallyscore in the bad position of having to operate on a Vector{Any}.

Improving inferability is probably the most broadly-applicable technique, and when applicable it usually gives the best outcomes: not only is your code more resistant to invalidation, but it's likely faster and compiles to smaller binaries. However, of the three approaches it is also the one that requires the deepest understanding of Julia's type system, and thus may be difficult for some coders to use.

There are cases where there is no good way to make the code inferable, in which case other strategies are needed.

Method 3: disable Julia's speculative optimization

The third option is to prevent Julia's speculative optimization: one could replace score(card) with invokelatest(score, card):

function tallyscores(cards)
    s = 0
    for card in cards
        s += invokelatest(score, card)
    return s

This forces Julia to always look up the appropriate method of score while the code is running, and thus prevents the speculative optimizations that leave the code vulnerable to invalidation. However, the cost is that your code may run somewhat more slowly, particularly here where the call is inside a loop.

If you plan to define at least two score methods, another way to turn off this optimization would be to declare

Base.Experimental.@max_methods 1 function score end

before defining any score methods. You can read the documentation on @max_methods to learn more about how it works.


Most of us learn best by doing. Try at least one of these methods of fixing the invalidation, and use SnoopCompile to verify that it works.

Undoing the damage from invalidations

If you can't prevent the invalidation, an alternative approach is to recompile the invalidated code. For example, one could repeat the precompile workload from Blackjack in BlackjackFacecards. While this will mean that the whole "stack" will be compiled twice and cached twice (which is wasteful), it should be effective in reducing latency for users.

PrecompileTools also has a @recompile_invalidations. This isn't generally recommended for use in package (you can end up with long compile times for things you don't need), but it can be useful in personal "Startup packages" where you want to reduce latency for a particular project you're working on. See the PrecompileTools documentation for details.

  Activating project at `~/work/SnoopCompile.jl/SnoopCompile.jl/docs`