
SnoopPrecompile provides a macro, @precompile_all_calls, which precompiles every call on its first usage. The key feature of @precompile_all_calls is that it intercepts all callees (including those made by runtime dispatch) and, on Julia 1.8 and higher, allows you to precompile the callee even if it comes from a different module (e.g., Base or a different package).

Statements that occur inside a @precompile_all_calls block are executed only if the package is being actively precompiled; it does not run when the package is loaded, nor if you're running Julia with --compiled-modules=no.

SnoopPrecompile also exports @precompile_setup, which you can use to create data for use inside a @precompile_all_calls block. Like @precompile_all_calls, this code only runs when you are precompiling the package, but it does not necessarily result in the "setup" code being stored in the package precompile file.

Here's an illustration of how you might use @precompile_all_calls and @precompile_setup:

module MyPackage

using SnoopPrecompile    # this is a small dependency

struct MyType
struct OtherType

@precompile_setup begin
    # Putting some things in `setup` can reduce the size of the
    # precompile file and potentially make loading faster.
    list = [OtherType("hello"), OtherType("world!")]
    @precompile_all_calls begin
        # all calls in this block will be precompiled, regardless of whether
        # they belong to your package or not (on Julia 1.8 and higher)
        d = Dict(MyType(1) => list)
        x = get(d, MyType(2), nothing)


When you build MyPackage, it will precompile the following, including all their callees:

  • Pair(::MyPackage.MyType, ::Vector{MyPackage.OtherType})
  • Dict(::Pair{MyPackage.MyType, Vector{MyPackage.OtherType}})
  • get(::Dict{MyPackage.MyType, Vector{MyPackage.OtherType}}, ::MyPackage.MyType, ::Nothing)
  • getindex(::Dict{MyPackage.MyType, Vector{MyPackage.OtherType}}, ::MyPackage.MyType)
  • last(::Vector{MyPackage.OtherType})

In this case, the "top level" calls were fully inferrable, so there are no entries on this list that were called by runtime dispatch. Thus, here you could have gotten the same result with manual precompile directives. The key advantage of @precompile_all_calls is that it works even if the functions you're calling have runtime dispatch.

If you want to see the list of calls that will be precompiled, navigate to the MyPackage folder and use

julia> using SnoopPrecompile

julia> SnoopPrecompile.verbose[] = true   # runs the block even if you're not precompiling, and print precompiled calls

julia> include("src/MyPackage.jl");

Once you set up SnoopPrecompile, try your package and see if it reduces the time to first execution, using the same workload you put inside the @precompile_all_calls block.

If you're happy with the results, you're done! If you want deeper verification of whether it worked as expected, or if you suspect problems, then the rest of SnoopCompile provides additional tools. Potential sources of trouble include invalidation (see @snoopr and related) and omission of intended calls from inside the @precompile_all_calls block (see @snoopi_deep and related).


@precompile_all_calls works by monitoring type-inference. If the code was already inferred prior to @precompile_all_calls (e.g., from prior usage), you might omit any external methods that were called via runtime dispatch.

You can use multiple @precompile_all_calls blocks if you need to interleave "setup" code with code that you want precompiled. You can use @snoopi_deep to check for any (re)inference when you use the code in your package. To fix any specific problems, you can combine @precompile_all_calls with manual precompile directives.