How Revise works

How Revise works

Revise is based on the fact that you can change functions even when they are defined in other modules. Here's an example showing how you do that manually (without using Revise):

julia> convert(Float64, π)

julia> # That's too hard, let's make life easier for students

julia> @eval Base convert(::Type{Float64}, x::Irrational{:π}) = 3.0
convert (generic function with 714 methods)

julia> convert(Float64, π)

Revise removes some of the tedium of manually copying and pasting code into @eval statements. To decrease the amount of re-JITting required, Revise avoids reloading entire modules; instead, it takes care to eval only the changes in your package(s), much as you would if you were doing it manually. Importantly, changes are detected in a manner that is independent of the specific line numbers in your code, so that you don't have to re-evaluate just because code moves around within the same file. (One unfortunate side effect is that line numbers may become inaccurate in backtraces, but Revise takes pains to correct these, see below.)

To accomplish this, Revise uses the following overall strategy:

The structure of Revise's internal representation


Figure notes: Nodes represent primary objects in Julia's compilation pipeline. Arrows and their labels represent functions or data structures that allow you to move from one node to another. Red ("destructive") paths force recompilation of dependent functions.

Revise bridges between text files (your source code) and compiled code. Revise consequently maintains data structures that parallel Julia's own internal processing of code. When dealing with a source-code file, you start with strings, parse them to obtain Julia expressions, evaluate them to obtain Julia objects, and (where appropriate, e.g., for methods) compile them to machine code. This will be called the forward workflow. Revise sets up a few key structures that allow it to progress from files to modules to Julia expressions and types.

Revise also sets up a backward workflow, proceeding from compiled code to Julia types back to Julia expressions. This workflow is useful, for example, when dealing with errors: the stack traces displayed by Julia link from the compiled code back to the source files. To make this possible, Julia builds "breadcrumbs" into compiled code that store the filename and line number at which each expression was found. However, these links are static, meaning they are set up once (when the code is compiled) and are not updated when the source file changes. Because trivial manipulations to source files (e.g., the insertion of blank lines and/or comments) can change the line number of an expression without necessitating its recompilation, Revise implements a way of correcting these line numbers before they are displayed to the user. This capability requires that Revise proceed backward from the compiled objects to something resembling the original text file.


A few convenience terms are used throughout: definition, signature-expression, and signature-type. These terms are illustrated using the following example:

function print_item(io::IO, item, ntimes::Integer=1, pre::String="")
    print(io, pre)
    for i = 1:ntimes
        print(io, item)

This represents the definition of a method. Definitions are stored as expressions, using a Revise.RelocatableExpr. The highlighted portion is the signature-expression, specifying the name, argument names and their types, and (if applicable) type-parameters of the method.

From the signature-expression we can generate one or more signature-types. Since this function has two default arguments, this signature-expression generates three signature-types, each corresponding to a different valid way of calling this method:

Tuple{typeof(print_item),IO,Any}                    # print_item(io, item)
Tuple{typeof(print_item),IO,Any,Integer}            # print_item(io, item, 2)
Tuple{typeof(print_item),IO,Any,Integer,String}     # print_item(io, item, 2, "  ")

In Revise's internal code, a definition is often represented with a variable def, a signature-expression with sigex, and a signature-type with sigt.

Core data structures and representations

Two "maps" are central to Revise's inner workings: ExprsSigs maps link definition=>signature-types (the forward workflow), while CodeTracking (specifically, its internal variable method_info) links from signature-type=>definition (the backward workflow). Concretely, CodeTracking.method_info is just an IdDict mapping sigt=>(locationinfo, def). Of note, a stack frame typically contains a link to a method, which stores the equivalent of sigt; consequently, this information allows one to look up the corresponding locationinfo and def. (When methods move, the location information stored by CodeTracking gets updated by Revise.)

Some additional notes about Revise's ExprsSigs maps:

ExprsSigs are organized by module and then file, so that one can map filename=>module=>def=>sigts. Importantly, single-file modules can be "reconstructed" from the keys of the corresponding ExprsSigs (and multi-file modules from a collection of such items), since they hold the complete ordered set of expressions that would be evaled to define the module.

The global variable that holds all this information is Revise.pkgdatas, organized into a dictionary of Revise.PkgData objects indexed by Base Julia's PkgId (a unique identifier for packages).

An example

Consider a module, Items, defined by the following two source files:



module Items


function print_item(io::IO, item, ntimes::Integer=1, pre::String=indent(item))
    print(io, pre)
    for i = 1:ntimes
        print(io, item)



indent(::UInt16) = 2
indent(::UInt8)  = 4

If you create this as a mini-package and then say using Revise, Items, you can start examining internal variables in the following manner:

julia> id = Base.PkgId(Items)
Items [b24a5932-55ed-11e9-2a88-e52f99e65a0d]

julia> pkgdata = Revise.pkgdatas[id]
PkgData(Items [b24a5932-55ed-11e9-2a88-e52f99e65a0d]:
  "src/Items.jl": FileInfo(Main=>ExprsSigs(<1 expressions>, <0 signatures>), Items=>ExprsSigs(<2 expressions>, <3 signatures>), )
  "src/indents.jl": FileInfo(Items=>ExprsSigs(<2 expressions>, <2 signatures>), )

(Your specific UUID may differ.)

Path information is stored in

PkgFiles(Items [b24a5932-55ed-11e9-2a88-e52f99e65a0d]):
  basedir: "/tmp/pkgs/Items"
  files: ["src/Items.jl", "src/indents.jl"]

basedir is the only part using absolute paths; everything else is encoded relative to that location. This facilitates, e.g., switching between develop and add mode in the package manager.

src/indents.jl is particularly simple:

julia> pkgdata.fileinfos[2]
FileInfo(Items=>ExprsSigs with the following expressions:
  :(indent(::UInt16) = begin
  :(indent(::UInt8) = begin
      end), )

This is just a summary; to see the actual def=>sigts map, do the following:

julia> pkgdata.fileinfos[2].modexsigs[Items]
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Revise.RelocatableExpr,Union{Nothing, Array{Any,1}}} with 2 entries:
  :(indent(::UInt16) = begin…                       => Any[Tuple{typeof(indent),UInt16}]
  :(indent(::UInt8) = begin…                        => Any[Tuple{typeof(indent),UInt8}]

These are populated now because we specified __precompile__(false), which forces Revise to defensively parse all expressions in the package in case revisions are made at some future point. For precompiled packages, each pkgdata.fileinfos[i] can instead rely on the cachefile (another field stored in the Revise.FileInfo) as a record of the state of the file at the time the package was loaded; as a consequence, Revise can defer parsing the source file(s) until they are updated.

Items.jl is represented with a bit more complexity, "Items.jl"=>Dict(Main=>map1, Items=>map2). This is because Items.jl contains one expression (the __precompile__ statement) that is evaled in Main, and other expressions that are evaled in Items.

Revisions and computing diffs

When the file system notifies Revise that a file has been modified, Revise re-parses the file and assigns the expressions to the appropriate modules, creating a Revise.ModuleExprsSigs mexsnew. It then compares mexsnew against mexsref, the reference object that is synchronized to code as it was evaled. The following actions are taken:

Technically, a new mexsref is generated every time to ensure that the expressions are ordered as in mexsnew; however, conceptually this is better thought of as an updating of mexsref, after which mexsnew is discarded.

Internal API

You can find more detail about Revise's inner workings in the Developer reference.