User reference

There are really only six functions that most users would be expected to call manually: revise, includet, Revise.track, entr, Revise.retry, and Revise.errors. Other user-level constructs might apply if you want to debug Revise or prevent it from watching specific packages, or for fine-grained handling of callbacks.

revise(; throw=false)

eval any changes in the revision queue. See Revise.revision_queue. If throw is true, throw any errors that occur during revision or callback; otherwise these are only logged.


Reevaluate every definition in mod, whether it was changed or not. This is useful to propagate an updated macro definition, or to force recompiling generated functions.


Track updates to the code in Julia's base directory, base/compiler, or one of its standard libraries.

Revise.track(mod::Module, file::AbstractString)

Watch file for updates and revise loaded code with any changes. mod is the module into which file is evaluated; if omitted, it defaults to Main.

If this produces many errors, check that you specified mod correctly.


Load filename and track future changes. includet is intended for quick "user scripts"; larger or more established projects are encouraged to put the code in one or more packages loaded with using or import instead of using includet. See for tips about setting up the package workflow.

By default, includet only tracks modifications to methods, not data. See the extended help for details. Note that this differs from packages, which evaluate all changes by default. This default behavior can be overridden; see Configuring the revise mode.

Extended help

Behavior and justification for the default revision mode (:evalmeth)

includet uses a default __revise_mode__ = :evalmeth. The consequence is that if you change

a = [1]
f() = 1


a = [2]
f() = 2

then Revise will update f but not a.

This is the default choice for includet because such files typically mix method definitions and data-handling. Data often has many untracked dependencies; later in the same file you might push!(a, 22), but Revise cannot determine whether you wish it to re-run that line after redefining a. Consequently, the safest default choice is to leave the user in charge of data.

Workflow tips

If you have a series of computations that you want to run when you redefine your methods, consider separating your method definitions from your computations:

  • method definitions go in a package, or a file that you includet once
  • the computations go in a separate file, that you re-include (no "t" at the end) each time you want to rerun your computations.

This can be automated using entr.


includet is essentially shorthand for

Revise.track(Main, filename; mode=:eval, skip_include=false)

Do not use includet for packages, as those should be handled by using or import. If using and import aren't working, you may have packages in a non-standard location; try fixing it with something like push!(LOAD_PATH, "/path/to/my/private/repos"). (If you're working with code in Base or one of Julia's standard libraries, use Revise.track(mod) instead, where mod is the module.)

includet is deliberately non-recursive, so if filename loads any other files, they will not be automatically tracked. (See Revise.track to set it up manually.)

entr(f, files; all=false, postpone=false, pause=0.02)
entr(f, files, modules; all=false, postpone=false, pause=0.02)

Execute f() whenever files or directories listed in files, or code in modules, updates. If all is true, also execute f() as soon as code updates are detected in any module tracked by Revise.

entr will process updates (and block your command line) until you press Ctrl-C. Unless postpone is true, f() will be executed also when calling entr, regardless of file changes. The pause is the period (in seconds) that entr will wait between being triggered and actually calling f(), to handle clusters of modifications, such as those produced by saving files in certain text editors.


entr(["/tmp/watched.txt"], [Pkg1, Pkg2]) do

This will print "update" every time "/tmp/watched.txt" or any of the code defining Pkg1 or Pkg2 gets updated.


Attempt to perform previously-failed revisions. This can be useful in cases of order-dependent errors.


Report the errors represented in Revise.queue_errors. Errors are automatically reported the first time they are encountered, but this function can be used to report errors again.


Revise logs (debugging Revise)

logger = Revise.debug_logger(; min_level=Debug)

Turn on debug logging (if min_level is set to Debug or better) and return the logger object. logger.logs contains a list of the logged events. The items in this list are of type Revise.LogRecord, with the following relevant fields:

  • group: the event category. Revise currently uses the following groups:
    • "Action": a change was implemented, of type described in the message field.
    • "Parsing": a "significant" event in parsing. For these, examine the message field for more information.
    • "Watching": an indication that Revise determined that a particular file needed to be examined for possible code changes. This is typically done on the basis of mtime, the modification time of the file, and does not necessarily indicate that there were any changes.
  • message: a string containing more information. Some examples:
    • For entries in the "Action" group, message can be "Eval" when modifying old methods or defining new ones, "DeleteMethod" when deleting a method, and "LineOffset" to indicate that the line offset for a method was updated (the last only affects the printing of stacktraces upon error, it does not change how code runs)
    • Items with group "Parsing" and message "Diff" contain sets :newexprs and :oldexprs that contain the expression unique to post- or pre-revision, respectively.
  • kwargs: a pairs list of any other data. This is usually specific to particular group/message combinations.

See also Revise.actions and Revise.diffs.

actions(logger; line=false)

Return a vector of all log events in the "Action" group. "LineOffset" events are returned only if line=true; by default the returned items are the events that modified methods in your session.


Return a vector of all log events that encode a (non-empty) diff between two versions of a file.


Prevent Revise from watching specific packages


Global variable, use push!(Revise.dont_watch_pkgs, :MyPackage) to prevent Revise from tracking changes to MyPackage. You can do this from the REPL or from your .julia/config/startup.jl file.

See also Revise.silence.


Silence warnings about not tracking changes to package pkg.
